Friday, May 7, 2010

Tony Stark -- Walt Disney's son?

So I just got back from watching the opening of Iron Man 2 locally at the midnight showing. I've made my fair share of midnight film openings -- I think this one ranks as one of the best I've attended (the most recent Star Trek was the best, for those who are curious).

This movie was a dream for me -- lots of technology, a veritable geek cornucopia, abetted by a few subtle (and some not-so-subtle) Walt Disney references, including a film that is so much a copy of the Walt introducing EPCOT concept video that if Marvel weren't owned by Disney, it would be in danger of being sued for infringement. That said, it was splendidly done and the cinematography and special effects were engaging and extremely realistic. If our computer interfaces could do half of what Tony's did in this film, we'd have arrived at that Sci-Fi mecca of the "future world."

Also present in the film (and only if you were really paying attention) -- a tune from none other than the half the brother-composing team of "A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" and "It's a Small World", Richard Sherman. I heard the song start during the credits and it had a Disney park-esque feel to it -- and then the credits confirmed it -- Dick Sherman wrote a Carousel of Progress-style tune for this superhero-universe pic. Unbelievable. It's Disney chic meets high-tech geek. I think I had a moment somewhere along the line.

Oh -- and it didn't hurt that Pepper Potts and Natalie the new assistant nearly got into blows -- and Natalie nearly got out of her clothes. But I digress. :-)

SO -- in summation -- the review in the USA Today is way off-base; this film had believable characters who played the parts very well. There were a few bits that were just over the top, but in Stark's world, it fits in and doesn't distract. I, for one, am salivating for the day I can model with 3D graphics the way they did in this film -- even if all I ever use it for is replaying this movie (and Scarlett Johannsen's scenes in particular).

GO see Iron Man 2!

1 comment:

hpydstny said...

I had to read your blog on this because I just got home from seeing it and want to go back again. The EPCOT esque future wolrd had me in the palm of their hand and I can't wait for the day to use technolgy depicted in the movie!