Monday, February 16, 2009

Nearly going to have to rename the blog...

...because we've got a double-shot of irony -- Alanis Morrisette would be thrilled.

Today's ironical contribution is from the GOP. Before I go any further, let me say that I'm a registered Republican and that given any of the Presidential choices this past November, Ron Paul would have been my guy. His stance on Constitutional politics is not terribly popular with his fellows, but that's not surprising -- people in power want to do what it takes to stay in power -- not to make things better.

So while I'm not a fan of the government increasing in size or becoming a larger bureaucratic and social-state than it is currently, and while I'm not 100% certain that a bailout investment in the car companies or the economy is the right way to fix things, I'm also certain the Republican's protestations and proselytizing about smaller government and how they're going to "fix" things the right way (which they've screwed the pooch on for the last 8 years) are the most bitter ironic pill I've seen them try to force the American public to swallow.

Add to the irony the claims that President Obama is not attempting to keep his non-partisan approach to governing -- especially from the lips of John McCain -- and you've got a recipe for another song (except this time with real irony). Obama reached out, made trips to discuss the bills and their caveats, reached out to specific Republican Senators and House members for the past 2 weeks -- he's asked them to come to the table for a real debate and to present a better solution -- and none of them would. They hemmed and hawed about several minor pieces of the bill (several of which should have been removed before presenting the bill -- shame on the Dems for even trying to push some of that pork through!) -- instead of just coming together and stripping out the worthless stuff and putting together a bill that they could feel would benefit the most people in the most definite ways. Instead, they gave up their opportunity to do something noble and useful for the American public -- and the REPUBLICANS tried to keep us even more in this crapper we've found ourselves in. Thanks. I'll be one of millions re-contemplating my party status come the next election, boys and girls of the gOp -- grumpy OLD party.

To his credit, Ron Paul (Sir Ian McKellan impressions notwithstanding) made an attempt to convince the country that now was the time for a smaller government and to try to steer the helm of the Republican party back to his Liberty concepts. I laud him and all those who continue to fight the good fight, especially in the face of distressing odds -- but this was a bill that could have been even more beneficial (since it was obvious it was going to pass) -- having more creative input and direction for the bill and made it better for all of us. THAT's the definition of bipartisan.

Now if we can only get these Senators a dictionary or two...

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